Fleur d’oranger

Orange blossom

While the orange blossom harvest ended on our traced and certified organic sectors in Cap Bon in Tunisia or in the Gharbiya region in Egypt, sectors where we have been working for more than 10 years with identified partners mastering all stages of the value chain, from the cultivation of Bigaradier to the hydro-distillation of flowers in order to obtain the enchanting Neroli and its co-produce floral water; on our coast, it has been a week since the campaign started now on the plots of the municipalities of Vallauris Golfe Juan and Bar-sur-Loup.
Actor of the revival of the Bigaradier in the Alpes Maritimes, Jean GAZIGNAIRE – Groupe MUL is engaged locally alongside the Coopérative Nérolium in a program of maintenance and development of this historic sector of the Pays de Grasse.